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Pettemeridou Ioanna - My First Repertoire, Children's Piano Method
BRAND: a.i.musiclab
17.60 €
ΠΙΣΩ ΣΤΗΝ ΛΙΣΤΑEducational Piano Sheet Music

Pettemeridou Ioanna - My First Repertoire, Children's Piano Method

CODE: W009961002

BRAND: a.i.musiclab

17.60 €
Suggested Catalog Price 22.00 €


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    My interest in properly teaching piano to children prompted me to continue writing, with the aim of achieving a smooth transition from simple concepts and exercises to more complex musical performances. In particular, the student has the opportunity, in this book, which is a continuation of the books Happy Notes 1 and 2, to learn new musical concepts and rhythmic patterns. The book ends with an introduction to scales and harpsichords, laying the groundwork for good and proper technique. I hope the present work will be recognized as an interesting new approach, which will challenge and invite both teacher and student on an exciting musical journey.

    Ioanna Pettemeridou