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Pettemeridou Ioanna - Pavlou - Happy Notes Piano Method For Children Vol.1
BRAND: a.i.musiclab
17.60 €
ΠΙΣΩ ΣΤΗΝ ΛΙΣΤΑEducational Piano Sheet Music

Pettemeridou Ioanna - Pavlou - Happy Notes Piano Method For Children Vol.1

CODE: W009961000

BRAND: a.i.musiclab

17.60 €
Suggested Catalog Price 22.00 €


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    Undoubtedly, each book is for its author another intellectual child. However, what makes this book special is not only the fact that it is the result of my long-term involvement with music but also the practical application of its content to my children's first musical steps. The goal of the book you are holding is to make learning music an enjoyable and successful process even for preschoolers. For this reason, its content is structured in stages, starting from simple exercises and ending with more complex ones.