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Deliyannaki - The Glass Pomegranate Piano Solo
CODE: 979-0-69150-513-7
14.80 €
ΠΙΣΩ ΣΤΗΝ ΛΙΣΤΑCollections For Piano

Deliyannaki - The Glass Pomegranate Piano Solo

CODE: W009900080
14.80 €
Suggested Catalog Price 21.10 €

Available 7-12 days

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    Deliyannaki - The Glass Pomegranate Piano Solo

    The glass pomegranate is a musical tale without words, written for young pianists at the elementary stage, which could find its end (theatre-ballet) form in live presentation with slide projection, dance movement and music from various instruments.
    The tale itself emerges from a game played on the titles of the individual pieces. Each player is free to develop his own story form in the Glass pomegranate, even by changing the present title order.

    1. Carefree traveller
    2. Twin islands
    3. The four letters of love
    4. The decorated town
    5. Double holiday
    6. The ceremony
    7. Dance in the public square
    8. The grass pomegranate
    9. Mirror of the North
    10. Distant melody
    11. A bowl of rose petals
    12. The red clogs
    13. Blue shadow
    14. Resurrection on the Kind Plane
    15. Festival
    16. The three ways
    17. Carefree traveller (for three hands)