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Sid Jacobs - Modern Jazz Concepts For Guitar, M.I./CD Included
CODE: HL00695711
BRAND: Hal Leonard
28.30 €
ΠΙΣΩ ΣΤΗΝ ΛΙΣΤΑElectric Guitar

Sid Jacobs - Modern Jazz Concepts For Guitar, M.I./CD Included

CODE: W119835103
Hal Leonard

BRAND: Hal Leonard

28.30 €
Suggested Catalog Price 35.40 €

Available 7-12 days

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    Sid Jacobs - Modern Jazz Concepts For Guitar, M.I./CD Included

    Learn innovative improvisation concepts from Musicians Institute instructor Sid Jacobs with this book/CD pack designed from the famous school's elective courses. Explores: voice-leading melodic lines, symmetrical scales, triad pairs and much more. The CD includes 48 demonstration tracks – each example is played at full tempo, and most are repeated at half speed.