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ERNIE BALL Wonder Wipes 4277 String Cleaner (6 ΤΜΧ)
CODE: P04277
BRAND: ErnieBall
3.30 €
ΠΙΣΩ ΣΤΗΝ ΛΙΣΤΑBass Cleaning Agents

ERNIE BALL Wonder Wipes 4277 String Cleaner (6 ΤΜΧ)

CODE: M08EB00010

BRAND: ErnieBall

3.30 €
Suggested Catalog Price 4.40 €

Available 7-12 days

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    6 individually wrapped wonder wipes string cleaner. Clean & extend the life of your strings in one easy swipe! This lubricating formula eliminates acid, dirt, and grime while maximizing the life and tone of your strings.