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MEINL HCS Smack Stack 5 pcs Cymbal
251.00 €

MEINL HCS Smack Stack 5 pcs Cymbal

CODE: M23ME00178
  • warranty_2
  • 6 Aτοκες Δόσεις
251.00 €
Suggested Catalog Price 273.00 €

Available 7-12 days

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    The 5-piece HCS 8/10/12/14/16 Smack Stack features five discs shaped to create a distinctive sound effect. The stack can be manipulated by adjusting the tension of the cymbal stand’s wing nut. Increased tension produces a crisp attack and short decay ideal for quick accents, while a looser setting yields a longer sustain. Works well when paired with a snare drum for enhanced backbeats, or as an alternative to your snare altogether. Use all five discs for a fuller sound and increased projection, or mix and match a few sizes to find the sound that suits you best. The discs are sized 8”, 10”, 12”, 14”, and 16”.
    Finish: Traditional
    Material: MS63 Alloy
    Music Style :Rock, Pop, Funk, Fusion
    Weight:  Medium Thin
    Made in Germany
    Sku: HCS80246SM