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ZILDJIAN Tre Cool Drumsticks
BRAND: Zildjian
15.60 €
ΠΙΣΩ ΣΤΗΝ ΛΙΣΤΑVarious Drumsticks

ZILDJIAN Tre Cool Drumsticks

CODE: M293200278

BRAND: Zildjian

15.60 €
Suggested Catalog Price 19.50 €

Available 7-12 days

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    Tre Cool's stick is naturally designed with powerful rock drumming in mind, with 2B dimensions capable of maximum sound and projection. The punk rock icon's signature is printed in eye-catching metallic green down near the fulcrum point on the stick. This model also features an acorn tip that delivers a bold sound all around the kit, and extra length for more reach and volume. When you demand as much from a pair of sticks as Tre does, this one does it all.
    Wood Type: Hickory
    Size: 2B
    Large acorn tip
    Length: 16.5” | 41.91cm
    Diameter: .62” | 1.58cm