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SAVAREZ 540ARJ Standard/High Tension Classical Guitar Strings
BRAND: Savarez
16.90 €
ΠΙΣΩ ΣΤΗΝ ΛΙΣΤΑClassical Guitar Strings

SAVAREZ 540ARJ Standard/High Tension Classical Guitar Strings

CODE: M091500085

BRAND: Savarez

16.90 €
Suggested Catalog Price 21.00 €

Available 7-12 days

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    Since 1770 Savarez makes the best available strings for classical guitars, violins, violas, cellos, harps, flamenco guitars, and many more. Their tradition and experience combined with the latest technology and materials allow providing the strings to match today's player's expectations.
    Trebles Strings: E1 - B2 - G3
    ALLIANCE Fluoro carbon thinner strings offer a clear sound all over the trebles strings. Authorize infinity of nuances and colors and remain clear on a very high position. G3rd assumes a perfect transition from B2 to A3.
    Basses Strings: D4 - A5 - E6
    Wound on nylon. Stiffer and brilliant powerful sound. Large overtones spectrum. Offer consistent resistance under fingers for a fast response and easy control.